How to be if the beloved did not meet expectations.
“We met half a year ago, loved each other. I am 19 years old, my guy 22. Before him I had nobody, and he liked that.
Our first night passed just awfully. It was the real scandal! He did not believe that I am a virgin, besides that fact that I’m a camgirl, but my work and sex is virtual. I could not explain to him that physiology is different, he flew into a rage, shouted, even cried. Says that she deceived him, betrayed, changed. He left and does not want to speak with me again. I in despair also do not know how to be, I did not lie and I love very much it”.
Alice, Camgirl, 20 years old.

First, it is not necessary to despair! Probably, the young man just was not ready to accept the truth or itself is not so skilled in respect of a sexual relationship that he was confused with the fact that he is your first man, and such responsible mission, whatever one may do, is assigned to him. If you ask girls who does the same job, you will know that sometimes guys are strange and they don’t accept the fact that live sex is nothing like real passionate sex with loved and loving partner. Maybe he was just afraid of such responsibility.
Anyway, his act says that it is not ready to continuation of a relationship yet, and he needs to give time that to comprehend something and to solve it by himself even if you explained that camgirls work is way different than real sex.
Therefore, it is best not to disturb him now – to give him time for reflections. If his feelings in relation to you it is sincere and are deep, he surely again will arise on your horizon, and at you everything will develop in the best way. Otherwise, if he was not ready seriously, I think that everything happened as had to be – means, it is not your half, you should not worry in his occasion.
I understand that it is very difficult to give advice to the 18-year-old girl in love: now you are overflowed by emotions – offense, misunderstanding, it is unpleasant to you that you were rejected, in fact. But you are still so young that I very much would like to tell you that you have no place to hurry also in respect of a relationship especially.
Before you the whole world, the new horizons open, you can become that someone want, to be fond, look for interesting hobbies, to gain knowledge, to develop, become cleverer and wiser. Do not miss these opportunities, be not obsessed with one failure which just showed unavailability of the young man to a relationship with you. Take care of the own life, you study, read, be interested new, and you surely will have the one someone will want to be with you.